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Dynamic digital content for primary schools

Alehousewells Primary School in Kemnay uses Discovery Education Espresso to support teaching and learning in every year group. Teacher Jenny Alexander shares how the platform’s dynamic digital content engages pupils and helps them to progress in subjects such as Phonics and Maths.


At Alehousewells we use Discovery Education Espresso to support teaching and learning across the school. I’m currently teaching in P2, P4 and P7 and Espresso works well in every year group. Our pupils love the resources and they can be used to support a wide range of subjects.


Espresso’s digital content appeals to young children and is very engaging. They make connections quickly, because they enjoy the videos so much! The clips are short and to the point and the explanations are simple. My pupils concentrate because they don’t have to sit and listen for too long. They like the presenters and the different characters.


Espresso is great for teaching phonics. There are lots of videos to explain the different phonetical sounds. Before Espresso, I used another phonics resource but after P1, there was a gap with nothing to progress the different sounds. I found that Espresso could really bridge that gap. Once the children have learned the initial sounds, they move on to phonetical vowels, such as the different ways in which they can say ‘A’. Mastering tricky sounds is important and Espresso supports this very well.


I use Espresso to teach grammar and it explains things very clearly. The videos are a good starting point for introducing new rules or concepts. I sometimes think that they explain things better than I can! I use the clips for teaching punctuation rules such as when to use commas and semi colons. There are also some great follow-up activities to check pupils’ understanding and make learning fun.


Espresso is my go-to resource for teaching Maths. I always look in Espresso first, to see if there is content to match the learning outcomes that my pupils need to cover. I teach the topic side of Maths and Espresso has some great videos to support this. It’s easy to find resources for teaching about fractions, time, length, measurement, money and much more.


Recently, I used Espresso to support my own children with home schooling. I found it very helpful, because if they were struggling with work that had been sent home, I could simply log on and find a video clip to support their learning. Espresso’s videos can be used to reinforce or to explain ideas more effectively. They’re very accessible and help children to understand things in a different way.


Another way that I use Espresso is for topic learning, and it’s good for that. If we are doing a particular topic e.g. The Vikings, I ask the children to log on for independent work. They can explore the different resources and videos and learn something new. So rather than me simply using Espresso as a teaching tool, I’ll ask the children to use it as a research tool and see if there is anything they want to include in their own learning. They really enjoy this.


Espresso has recently been updated and has lots of new features which will make it even easier to use. You can allocate work to individual pupils or classes and the children can scan in with QR codes. We’re looking forward to using these new tools. Espresso is definitely one of our go-to resources!

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Bringing literacy to life with Discovery Education Espresso

The King Fahad Academy in London uses Discovery Education Espresso to support teaching and learning from Early Years to KS2. English and Reading Coordinator Haneen Al Jaaf shares how the platform’s real-world digital content engages pupils, saves teachers time and brings English lessons to life.


I’ve been using Discovery Education Espresso since I joined the King Fahad Academy in 2014. We follow the National Curriculum and Espresso supports our teaching in every subject. Espresso’s digital content is very appealing for children because it’s so interactive. They particularly like the English resources and the phonics videos are a firm favourite.


Espresso Phonics introduces letters and sounds in a fun way, helping pupils with reading and spelling. For me, the best thing about Espresso Phonics is its simplicity. The videos are short, to the point and focused on each learning objective. They’re presented by colourful animated characters which makes them very engaging. My pupils associate the different sounds with each character, which makes learning memorable. It’s simple but very effective.


Assessing progress is easy with Espresso Phonics, thanks to the various built-in activities. Pupils can practice sorting new sounds and segmenting words before putting these skills into practice. Having phonics videos and activities together in one place is so useful for me because it saves planning time.  I simply add a video and quiz to my PowerPoint and I’m ready to go! I know that my lesson will be engaging. The content is visual and I don’t have to ask the children too many questions.


I also use Espresso to teach grammar and punctuation in KS1 and KS2. The platform helps me to make lessons engaging, while meeting the National Curriculum. Each learning objective has its own video to introduce the concept with practical examples. Some children find grammar and punctuation lessons boring, but Espresso makes it fun.  The videos take learning further by showing the children how to improve their writing and make it even better.


One of the best things about Espresso is that it allows me to differentiate learning. Working with a very diverse cohort including EAL learners, it’s essential for me to be able to do this. My pupils have individual Espresso logins, so it’s easy to assign work directly. There is also a feature called Studio which by assigning ‘boards’ with embedded quizzes to pupils, lets me see what they’ve completed and assess progress. Let’s say a child in Year 6 is struggling with fronted adverbials. I can assign a bespoke grammar lesson in Studio by uploading a video, text and quiz. It’s a great way of providing targeted learning support. 


Espresso provides lots of tools and guidance to save teachers time. Each channel has a detailed Teacher Guide, with an overview of the content and how it matches curriculum objectives. This is helpful for evidencing because I can show that I’m delivering exactly what’s needed.  Espresso also reduces my workload in terms of preparation and marking. I don’t have to look elsewhere for resources and I can use the built-in Quiz tool to tick off my formative assessments.


As well as saving time, Espresso also provides me with fantastic teaching ideas – particularly through the ‘Spotlight on Strategies’ series. Written by teachers for teachers, ‘SOS Strategies’ offers creative, practical ideas for using digital media in the classroom. My favourite is ‘6 Word Story’, which asks the children to describe an image in six words. I also enjoy Discovery Education’s Tuesday Tutorials – online training sessions which help me to get the most out of Espresso.


Espresso has some great resources for teaching poetry. Recently, one of the poems that we were studying was quite challenging. We were teaching online at the time which wasn’t ideal, but Espresso saved our lives! It helped the children to access the text and to understand it. For me as a teacher, it was great to have everything in one place – the poem, worksheets and quizzes – and to be able to assign it remotely.  I created a Studio Board with some tweaks for my lower ability pupils, shared it on Google Classroom and we were ready to go!


As an English teacher, I’m passionate about encouraging a love of reading. Not all children have access to books at home and digital content can be a powerful hook for today’s young learners. Espresso includes lots of short, digital articles that appeal to my pupils and inspire them to look for books on the same topic. It’s so important to help children enjoy reading and to make it fun. Espresso does this in lots of ways.


Espresso really is an amazing resource. It saves teachers time and inspires pupils, helping them to become independent learners who can take the initiative. What really makes Espresso stand out for me is the exceptional customer service. This is a company that really wants to help teachers; not just to provide excellent resources but to support every step of the way. As a practitioner, it’s important for me to be able to access information quickly. If I ever need help or support, the team at Discovery Education are always there.

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Discovery Education Espresso – A Diverse Resource for Schools

Eno Chance is a Reception teacher and Year Group Leader at Moss Hall Infant School in London. Between herself and the Year Reception teaching team (Maggie O’Keefe, Miki Kanai and Tonique Kerr) they have been Espresso users for over 10 years. They explain why the platform appeals to young learners and share how Espresso’s growing diverse content helps children to see themselves reflected.


Discovery Education Espresso is rich in resources and covers all areas of learning. We like the videos which can be used to introduce topics and the interactive games which we use to assess learning. Espresso appeals to young children, because the images and videos make it accessible. It’s easy to combine Espresso’s digital content with books, and we often use the two in tandem.


The search engine in Espresso is very effective. It allows us to find the resources quickly. It covers different strands, so we can search for a particular topic and it gives us different but related content. The search bar is easy to navigate and the filter is good too. Keywords can be typed into the search bar, and it sorts the results clearly. It’s actually very easy to use and this simplifies my planning.


Recently our Reception class topic was People in Our Community. We were learning about the police and teaching the children about how they help us in our day-to-day lives. It was easy to find relevant videos within Espresso to bring this to life. This term we’ve also been learning about the seasons, and Espresso has lots of great content to support this too. The children particularly enjoyed the seasons sorting game. We used the game to see how much they had learned and it was very effective.


As teachers, we try to give children a range of ways to access the curriculum and to appeal to different learning styles. Our children are keen visual learners. Being able to see and hear what they are being taught is important. Repetition is important too. Espresso is ideal for supporting visual learning and for scaffolding. We can revisit the videos, ask questions, or use them as a comprehension tool.


The Espresso platform provides resources that can support us with meeting the EYFS Framework expectation. The content is current. As well as giving the children accurate information it also supports the recall aspect of learning. Because the resources are always there, we can refer back to Espresso at any time to support the children. Having Espresso as a ready-to-use tool is so helpful.


It’s so important that we teach children about the world around them, and Espresso is great for this. It provides lots of accurate information, particularly when it comes to topics such as religion, festivals and celebrations. As teachers, we might not be completely knowledgeable about all religious practices. So having Espresso as a resource has helped us hugely. During the Autumn, when our topic was celebration, we looked at Diwali, Hannukah and Christmas and found some good digital content that we could use as teaching tools.


Espresso has continued to grow in providing resources to meet diverse needs. For us this is key. As a school we are very diverse. We have pupils from across Europe, Asia and Africa and a significant number of EAL learners too. It’s so important that these children can see themselves reflected, for their wellbeing and sense of self-confidence. The platform is becoming more and more diverse and is constantly being updated.


In summary, I would definitely recommend Espresso to other EYFS teachers. It’s a current resource which reflects the learning needs of children today. The platform even has its own news service and content linked to current events, such as the situation in Ukraine. Information is communicated in a way that children can understand at the appropriate level. We even use Espresso to support home learning.

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Getting ready for digital careers with Discovery Education Coding

The Bramham and Shadwell Federation consists of two large primary schools, serving Wetherby and Shadwell in the city of Leeds. Computing Lead and Associate SENco Beth Ings explains how the programme brings coding to life while getting students ready for digital careers.


We’ve been using Discovery Education Coding across our two primary schools for three years and are very happy with it. When I became Computing Lead, I was keen to continue our subscription because it hits so many curriculum targets. It’s popular with students because it’s enjoyable and engaging. And with teachers, because you don’t have to be an expert to use it.


Discovery Education Coding is very easy for teachers to deliver, regardless of their Computing experience. It’s a complete scheme of work with step by step lesson plans. There are simple videos to guide you through each stage and the lesson objectives are set out very clearly. Before taking over as Computing Lead I lacked confidence but now I can teach Coding up to Year 6. I know that my colleagues feel well supported too.


One of the best things about Discovery Education Coding is that it gives children a concrete experience of using technology in a really positive way. It encourages teachers and students to work together and is very inclusive. So, rather than giving the children iPads and sending them away to code, we work alongside them. Each lesson is clearly planned out with teaching and talking points in every step. It’s also very accessible and meets the needs of different types of learners.


The programme helps students with problem solving, which is a key aim of the National Computing Curriculum. We really like the debugging aspect and the way in which it encourages students to fix their code using sequencing, selection and repetition. Through logical reasoning, they learn how to unpick and correct algorithms. This builds resilience, which is such an important skill and something we try to encourage across the school.


Recently, our Local Authority did a mock deep dive into our Computing provision and they loved how we use Discovery Education Coding. They were particularly impressed that our students use the right terminology, because it’s constantly being reinforced in their lessons. They asked our students to explain variables and algorithms and they were able to reel off the answers! The programme helps us to embed the right terminology and build a deeper understanding.


Our students absolutely love Discovery Education Coding. Parents tell us that they enjoy accessing it at home and will sometimes choose Coding over gaming! I think it appeals to children because of the work behind it, the sequencing. They enjoy learning about how games are put together and putting this into practice. It’s not just about problem solving, it’s creative too. They can showcase their learning by creating apps and games and this gives them a real sense of achievement.


One of our favourite activities is Burst The Bubbles, a fun game where children learn how to program bubbles to float and pop. Our students love to code their own version of the game before sharing it with their peers. They’re learning from each other all the time and as teachers, we learn from them too. If I’m not sure how to debug a piece of code, I’ll stop the class and ask the children to play teacher to help me!


This year we’ve delivered clear whole school progression in Computing, thanks to the scaffolded learning support that Discovery Education provides. We have more students ‘meeting’ or ‘working above’ than ever before. Because each unit is broken down into bite-sized chunks, students can master skills in their own time. Each lesson plan clearly scaffolds into the next and it’s easy to revisit more challenging tasks if we need to. There’s also a handy Refresher Course, which recaps learning.


Having fun with coding is so important and because the platform is so engaging, our students can’t wait to use it. It’s helping them to build transferrable skills and has really sparked their interest in IT. When we ask our students what they want to be, they often say that they want to work in technology. Discovery Education Coding is getting them ready for digital careers and opening doorways to the future.

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Building collaboration and problem solving skills

Simon Haughton, Computing Lead at Parkfield Primary School in Rochdale, shares his experience of teaching with Discovery Education Coding and explains how the all-in-one resource delivers clear pupil progress and value for money.


I’ve been using Discovery Education Coding since its launch seven years ago. I chose it because it was a complete coding resource and compatible with our iPads. I liked the fact that you can easily change the amount of command blocks offered according to age and ability. The templates for children to create programs are differentiated between year groups, which is great. These give me an ideal starting point to plan lessons that are varied and show progression in coding skills for the children as they move up through the school.


Discovery Education Coding is very cost-effective as I use it for the majority of programming lessons from years 1 to 6, which is about a third of my overall curriculum time. This provides pupils with a consistent environment in which they can build on their skill set each year and makes their retrieval ability to interact with it as accessible as possible. The interface is perfectly designed for primary-aged pupils. It allows them to learn how to create programs using an increasing range of command blocks as they move up through the school, whilst not confusing them with unnecessary commands in the way that other block-based programming software does.


I use Discovery Education Coding in almost every programming lesson. I deliver these in iPads which children have 1-1 access to, as part of whole class PPA cover each week. Discovery Education Coding gives the children a strong programming backbone that they can build upon as they progress through school. It also neatly complements other coding resources such as Lego robots, floor turtles etc.


The resource has really helped me to meet National Curriculum Computing requirements. It offers lots of suggestions which I use for planning lessons. I can follow steps for creating games in different year groups which is extremely helpful, or I can ask children to use the ‘Free Code’ screen if they want to program an app of their choosing. My pupils love having the freedom to create games based on their own imaginative ideas, as well as having the chance to share and play each other’s too.


Discovery Education Coding gives my pupils a child-friendly space to program fun games and apps. They can access it from any web browser across a multitude of devices–even beyond the school gate. By providing a grid-style design stage and a clip art gallery of pictures to include, children can effortlessly create their own programs.

My pupils have developed a wide range of skills including sequencing commands and using variables such as game timers or score counters. I’ve also been able to use Discovery Education Coding to teach children how to use co-ordinates and data properties in their programs, such as setting an object’s speed or heading.


With Discovery Education Coding, our computing lessons are always engaging. Recently I asked our Year 2 pupils to design a scene in which the player had to control a character to reach a destination whilst staying on a wiggly pathway and avoiding a baddy. This gave them the opportunity to showcase the skills associated with using button click events to control the movement and animation of objects they had been learning in previous lessons.

The pupils designed some fantastic game ideas – a knight trying to reach a princess avoiding a nasty dragon, a whale trying to catch a fish avoiding a hungry shark and an astronaut trying to get to their spaceship whilst avoiding an evil alien! I challenged them to edit and improve their programs to make the games more interesting, such as by: adding a ‘Level 2’ button to make the baddy move or by showing a big ‘Well done!’ message when their target image is clicked on. I was particularly impressed with how independently they worked to code and debut them, as well as how relatively detailed some of their projects’ codes were to make the final games really fun to play!


Discovery Education Coding has helped my Year 2 class to develop the programming skills they gained in Year 1, progressing from simply clicking on objects to make them move to adding buttons. As their confidence has grown, I’m now able to let them have more freedom in designing their own themed designs, as well as stretching more able pupils. I ask them to take screenshots of their work to insert into a Word document and type a couple of sentences alongside describing the aim of their programs and a short evaluation. As they move into Year 3, I’ll build on these skills by teaching how to program conditional events that cause events to happen, such as when an object hits another object (e.g. to collect or ‘eat’ it) or a particular colour in a scene (e.g. to stop moving when a wall is touched).


Discovery Education Coding is a brilliant tool for encouraging pupils to develop their computational thinking skills, both during the creation of apps and in the testing phase. Through its colourful graphical user interface children can easily:

  • Explore different game design ideas
  • Visually see the sequence in which commands are being executed and how this matches with their chosen algorithm
  • Break down their code into different events
  • Try out different values in the numerical command blocks and adjust these until the desired results are created.

Coding really encourages my pupils to collaborate. They help one another, share interesting lines of code, test out each other’s games and share feedback. The children often approach and solve programming issues in completely different ways to how I’d imagined in my planning. It really is a joy to discover their solutions –which show what great potential Discovery Education Coding has with a little bit of tinkering!

Recently a Year 4 pupil showed me that a variable with a starting value of 60, reducing by one every second, can be used as an on-screen countdown timer. I thought this was a simple but very neat idea!


For me, Discovery Education is a brilliant online coding programming service that is very cost effective. I find it very simple to use. It has clearly been designed especially for primary schools. It allows children to independently create a wide variety of apps and games and provides teachers with amazing lesson plans. It has enabled me to cover all aspects of the Computing National Curriculum and has given the children in my school a firm introduction to programming. I’m confident that this will enable them to excel when they transition to secondary school!

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Discovery Education Espresso – An Engaging Digital Resource for Prep Schools

Charlotte Baly is Director of Studies at The Roche School, a co-ed prep school in South London. Having used Discovery Education Espresso throughout her teaching career, Charlotte explains why the platform is one of her go-to resources.

Espresso gives me a library of engaging, subject-specific content which I can easily add to my lessons. The platform has lots of great videos and research articles, especially in the Foundation Subjects. In RE, for example, it gives me a range of different media that I can use in my planning. I always use it when teaching about Islam, because it allows me to cover the subject in depth. There are some excellent videos and interviews with practising Muslim children, which my students find very engaging.

The pitch of Espresso’s videos is really suitable for children. The language used is topic- appropriate and the accompanying visuals and text make everything very accessible. Some of the videos feature children being interviewed, which makes them relatable. So, for example if we’re learning about a religious celebration, Espresso often shows this in a whole family context, with children talking to camera. It’s as if they are speaking to the students in my classroom, which is lovely.

When it comes to making lessons more engaging, Espresso is an invaluable resource. The interactive content creates an active learning experience for my students. Digital resources are naturally more appealing to children, but Espresso also provides lots of excellent offline content and activities to embed learning. It allows my students to engage with information in a variety of ways, which definitely increases their engagement.

Espresso also supports retention, especially when it comes to the Foundation subjects that we don’t study every day. Because my students are full engaged when they use Espresso, their subject knowledge is retained. In this way, Espresso contributes to their attainment as they go through the curriculum and move up into new year groups.

As a teacher, I’m always looking for resources to support my planning and to help me showcase subjects in new and different ways. Espresso helps me to vary the content I use and it’s so helpful to have everything in one place. If I’m teaching about a country, for example, I simply type this into the search bar, and find Fact Files, articles, videos and other resources. I can quickly see how everything fits with my lesson objective and I don’t need to look elsewhere.

I like to encourage independent learning and Espresso is great for this. My students can use the platform to look up things for themselves, which is wonderful. It helps to build their research skills, because there are so many different resources to choose from. It also gives them a safe space to search and I know that everything they find will be age-appropriate and relevant.

Espresso is very well mapped to the National Curriculum and the topic based content is particularly strong. There are lots of Fact Files, spanning different subjects. I find these particularly useful, because they present information in a way that is really accessible for children. And you can tell that that they have been researched thoroughly. All of Espresso’s content is of a very high standard.

Espresso is a tool I’ve relied on throughout my teaching career. It’s always been something that I’ve known to reliably provide resources that include high quality subject knowledge and activities, particularly in the foundation subjects. The pitch is really good, which is one of the reasons why my students enjoy using it so much. It’s super accessible, aids retention and it makes learning fun too.

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Discovery Education Espresso – A Dynamic Digital Resource for Bilingual Schools

Suzanne Haigh is the Headteacher of Kensington Wade School, an award-winning, bilingual nursery and prep school in West London. At Kensington Wade lessons are taught in English and Chinese, giving children complete fluency in both languages. Having used Espresso throughout her teaching career, Suzanne explains how the platform supports bilingual learning while providing educators with an invaluable bank of curriculum-matched resources.

Kensington Wade opened in 2017 and as a bilingual immersive provider, we’re recognised as one of the most innovative schools in London. With over 100 students on roll, we deliver half of our lessons in English and half in Chinese, giving children a completely bilingual education. We split the school day in two and teach one language in the morning and the other in the afternoon.

I’ve used Espresso for many years and have been delighted to see how it can support teaching in a bilingual environment. Espresso has a translate function, which makes it easy for us to switch between two languages. If we’re teaching about the Gunpowder Plot in History for example, we can take resources and quickly translate them online. This means that the same content can be taught in Chinese, which is so helpful. With other products, our Chinese teachers have to make their own translations. But with Espresso, the process is seamless.

Espresso gives us an extensive bank of curriculum matched resources, and we use it widely in many of our lessons, whether we’re teaching in Chinese or English. The videos, texts and interactives can be applied to lots of different subjects and teachers can find what they’re looking for quickly and easily. Whether they’re teaching Science, Maths, English or Humanities, they can find relevant content to bring lessons to life.

We really like Espresso’s interactivity. The visual interface is appealing to children and helpful for those who speak little English. In Maths, Espresso makes learning more accessible. The Hundred Square is a particular favourite, because teachers can add or remove numbers to build student confidence, while helping them to develop mathematical language. In English, we use Espresso for grammar, spelling and punctuation. And in Humanities for subject research, to help the children go further.

One of the best things about Espresso is that it gives children a safe space to learn. We encourage students to use Espresso independently with their own login. Each week, we ask students to complete pre-learning at home. Quite often we’ll share links from Espresso, so that they can familiarise themselves with new topics. Recently, our Year 2 students were learning about the past tense in English. We asked them to watch an Espresso video and complete the linked activity, before starting the lesson in school.

Pre-learning helps our students to develop curiosity and gives them the chance to be more successful, which boosts their confidence and engagement. When we’re teaching skills in grammar, punctuation, spelling and maths, it’s helpful if students have practiced beforehand so they can be more successful in class. It’s great to have a resource like Espresso to support our pre-learning activities.

Our students are very proficient at picking up an iPad and using it for educational reasons, whether for research, games, activities or preparing work. They are used to accessing learning through technology and they actively embrace it. Espresso is a particular favourite because it feels familiar to them. They recognise the different characters and this acts as a cue. They think ‘I know what I am doing. I’m about to have a lesson about English….”, which is reassuring and builds confidence.

Espresso is an incredibly valuable bank of resources for our school. It’s helpful and supportive for teachers. And because it provides so much more than just videos and worksheets, it’s engaging for students. Espresso’s interactives allow our students to directly engage with a task. To fully participate in their learning and to make progress. As a product, we feel that it is good value for money. As a daily learning platform, we haven’t found anything better than Espresso.

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A complete RSHE curriculum for International Schools

Welcoming students from over 49 different countries, Bangkok Prep is a well-established international school in Thailand. The school follows the Early Years Foundation Stage and English National Curriculum and uses Discovery Education Health and Relationships to support teaching of RSHE. Subject Leader of PSHE, Brona Soden, explains how the programme helps teachers to engage students, communicate with parents and deliver the new RSHE curriculum with confidence.


We started using Discovery Education Health and Relationships in 2020. As PSHE Subject Leader at Bangkok Prep, I was looking for a high quality digital resource which would help us to deliver the new English RSHE curriculum. I wanted something flexible that would support staff with different levels of experience. After trialling Health and Relationships we all agreed that it was a great place to start. As a school, we were very impressed.


Teaching at an International school that caters for many different cultures and belief systems, and where society is quite conservative, we needed to approach the new RSHE curriculum carefully. We felt very confident that Health and Relationships would allow us to do this. To begin with, we tested the programme across the school, leaving some of the more sensitive areas until later in the year. This gave us time to prepare parents and allow them to ask any questions.


Effective RSHE is best delivered in partnership with parents and Health and Relationships, it includes some great resources to help schools achieve this. We used these to organise an online workshop, where we walked parents through the new curriculum. Teachers in each year group gave a sample lesson using the videos and activities from the programme. We were able to show parents exactly what an RSHE lesson would look like and the response was excellent.


We began teaching Health and Relationships during a period of lockdown and found that the digital resources are ideal for remote learning. While it wasn’t ideal to start teaching RSHE online, there were some benefits to doing so. Teachers who were feeling anxious or self-conscious were able to build their confidence. We found that the children could learn without distraction. From day one they were engrossed, interested and asking lots of questions using the private chat box. There was less embarrassment and a real sense of achievement for teachers, who felt it worked really well.


As an English Curriculum school, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculum as closely as possible, while being mindful that there are some intercultural and interfaith areas where we need to take a more sensitive approach. Health and Relationships allows us to teach to our own environment, because it’s such a flexible resource. The age of consent, for example, is different here in Thailand. So when we are teaching about committed relationships, we are conscious to point out that the law differs around the world. This in itself is a whole discussion topic. We asked the children, “Why do you think some countries decide that this is a better age to make these choices?” We try to turn everything into a discussion and Health and Relationships is a great prompt. Plus, it gives the children a global perspective.


Health and Relationships includes lots of great age-appropriate videos which can be used to introduce the different RSHE topics. Our teachers like the fact that these are age-appropriate and being peer-led, they are very engaging for the children. Each video comes with lesson plans and linked activities. But even on their own, the videos open up a world of conversation in the classroom. Sometimes we use the films as a starting point and let the children guide how the lesson progresses. As teachers, we all want to encourage our students to look at life through different lenses and the videos are very powerful tools for doing this.


Recently I was teaching my Year 3 class about families and committed relationships. I started by letting the children share their ideas before watching the topic video. This prompted a lively discussion. The children were asking so many questions that the chat ran away with us! We were able to re-focus with one of the worksheets – a fun True or False activity – which our students really enjoyed. The whole lesson linked nicely with the characteristics of positive relationships, and our school’s life values, which are themes that are intertwined and reflected with the teaching and learning we do at Bangkok Prep.


One of the best things about Health and Relationships is the flexibility of the programme. The videos can be used interchangeably and the spiral curriculum approach means that it’s easy to revisit topics. Recently I used a Year 1 video about naming body parts with my Year 3 class to help students revisit key vocabulary. Similarly, our Year 6 students who missed some topics during lockdown, have benefitted from being able to go back and engage with Year 4 and 5 content.


It’s never been more important for schools to deliver high quality RSHE. We allocate 50 mins of timetabled lessons each week, but in reality we’re delivering RSHE every day because it intertwines with everything. As a school, we let our teachers decide how and when to teach it and Health and Relationships supports this. It’s a very flexible resource.


As a scheme of work, Health and Relationships is well planned out, which is something our teachers also enjoy. The content is divided into six topic areas which matched our existing RSHE plan. Our teachers immediately felt comfortable because they could see how the content linked to what they were already doing. Having a clear plan to follow made it easy for them to get started.


Delivering a new curriculum can be daunting but Health and Relationships has helped our teachers to build confidence quickly. They like the fact that it’s a flexible resource. They can let each lesson flow, allowing students to direct the learning. If you’re a little unsure about teaching RSHE, you can follow the programme step by step. If you’re more comfortable, you can see where it goes and let the children lead a little.


For us as a school, Health and Relationships is an invaluable resource. It has helped us to understand exactly what we need to deliver and given us the tools to teach with confidence. We have a complete scheme of work with high quality digital resources to fire our students’ imagination. Health and Relationships has changed the game for us in terms of how we deliver RSHE. I’m excited to see where it will take our teaching and learning next.

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Our Go-To Resource for RSHE

Sarah Anyan is a Year 4 teacher and PSHE Subject Leader at Iveson Primary School in Leeds. Sarah shares why Discovery Education Health and Relationships is her go-to-resource for RSHE and explains why it’s loved by pupils and teachers.


Discovery Education Health and Relationships is a complete scheme of work for primary RSHE. We’ve been using it since the new curriculum was launched to support our teaching across the whole school. We chose the programme because it provides excellent curriculum coverage and takes a spiral approach, allowing pupils to build upon their learning each year. We could also see that it would help teacher confidence in terms of planning and delivery.


Health and Relationships provides lesson plans, videos and activities to help teachers meet the statutory guidance. The content is age-appropriate, engaging and very relatable. As a staff, we really like the videos and the fact that they are presented by real children is very good. This appeals to our pupils and helps them to talk about difficult scenarios without having to talk about themselves. The videos are also a great starting point for exploring topics such as friendships, relationships and mental health. It’s brilliant to have so many resources at our fingertips to prompt discussion and peer-to-peer learning.


Good RSHE teaching should reflect real-life and Health and Relationships does this very well. Pupils see their own experiences reflected in the content, which is authentic and diverse. The sex education lessons are particularly good and we like the fact that the programme doesn’t just cover ‘traditional’ ground. The resources include topics such as Caesarean Sections and IVF, and show the diversity of families. It’s important that our pupils see real life reflected and Health and Relationships achieves this.


Health and Relationships saves us a huge amount of planning time. Each lesson is mapped out with objectives, resources and success criteria. It’s all there, but the programme also gives us a really flexible way of teaching. If we want to adapt a lesson, taking our lead from the children, we can. Sometimes a video might spark a discussion that takes things in a different direction. Or we might want to explore an idea in greater depth. Health and Relationships gives us the starting point, which is always so important.


Our pupils really enjoy learning with Health and Relationships. They like the fact that we can sit down together and talk about things. Sometimes we cover difficult subjects, but that’s ok because we all respect and each other and our classroom is a safe space. We try to end each lesson with something positive, perhaps relaxation, drawing silly pictures or sharing jokes!


Health and Relationships supports us to create a safe teaching and learning environment for RSHE. This helps our pupils to discuss and share their feelings and ideas without fear or judgment. We establish ground rules at the start of each lesson and we also encourage pupil questions. Because the children feel comfortable and safe, it’s not uncommon for them to share their worries in these lessons. We use comment boxes, so that they can ask questions anonymously or simply share a funny thought or idea to make their friends smile.


Supporting pupil wellbeing is a priority for every school and Health and Relationships helps us to do this in lots of ways. The Healthy and Happy Friendships Channels helps children to consider what being a good friend means and build skills to resolve difficulties. I recently used the videos with a group of Year 4 pupils. We discussed everything together and it really helped.


My Year 4 class are learning about Families and Committed Relationships this term and we’re using Health and Relationships to look at boundaries. There’s a great video resource which helps children to think about what’s acceptable. It sparked a lengthy conversation about why relationships have different boundaries. We talked about how some relationships are professional and some are very close. Next, we completed the lesson activity, an acrostic RELATIONSHIP poem. The children produced some lovely writing and I was blown away by their responses!


Health and Relationships follows a spiral curriculum and this is so useful. As subject leader, I find the built-in progression grid very helpful. I can clearly evidence pupil progress and show what we’ve been teaching during each half term. Not having to produce my own evidence saves me a lot of time! It also helps the children with memory retrieval and boosts their confidence.


We’re very happy with Health and Relationships. For us, it ensures complete curriculum coverage across the school in a consistent way and it’s also supportive for teachers. It has increased our confidence in terms of planning and delivery, but it also gives us the freedom to go off on a tangent and adapt lessons where necessary for our children. Our pupil voice interviews show that it’s having a positive impact for the children too, which is really lovely. I would definitely recommend the programme to other primary schools.

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Webinar: Blended Learning Solutions – Maintaining the Continuity of Learning

This lively and engaging interactive session focuses on how digital tools and key pedagogical strategies can ensure teachers are able to respond to learning needs in flexible and responsive ways, in order to maintain ‘Continuity of Learning.’ We will explore the use of technology to support and develop 21st Century learning skills, in and out of the classroom. A range of hybrid learning methods will be considered and exemplified including, blended, flipped, synchronous and asynchronous models. Concepts and practices will be modelled and shared in immersive ways and will be reinforced by exploring research-based models for evaluating their choice and impact.

Five key things attendees will learn:

  • The ‘Why’ of digital learning to support communication with stakeholders
  • How digital can drive the acquisition of key learning skills such as the 4Cs
  • Flexible and responsive ways to support continuity of learning
  • How to use and combine a range of hybrid teaching models
  • To understand well recognised, research-based models that can be used to evaluate the value and impact of different digital resources and techniques

Can’t make this time? The recording will be sent to all registrants shortly after the session.

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