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Discover activities that are hands-on, enriching and provide real-life learning situations through our STEM programmes: DoodleMaths and DoodleTables, Coding and STEM Connect.
Meet Doodle’s award-winning Maths apps. DoodleMaths and DoodleTables create a unique learning programme for every child, focused on closing learning gaps and consolidating knowledge. From mastering multiplications to tackling fractions and number lines, Doodle keeps learning fun with engaging exercises, digital manipulatives and motivational rewards.
Tech novice? Computing pro? Coding’s got you covered. Find 100+ lesson plans, accompanying explanatory videos and key vocabulary lists covering Block Coding, HTML and Python to help you cover the Computing National Curriculum.
STEM Connect offers a suite of resources from EYFS to KS3. Hands-on tasks and challenges provide real-world context and urgency to learning, enabling pupils to bring together cross-curricular knowledge in Science, Maths and Design & Technology.
Looking for a way to enhance STEM provision in your school or trust? We offer special discounts when you purchase all of our STEM programmes together! From Maths interventions and times tables to investigations and coding, everything you need is available in our Bundle.
“The content is very accessible and encourages pupils to work together. I love the sense of pride that our lower-ability pupils feel when they create something amazing.”
“Due to the nature of the ‘little and often’ approach that Doodle encourages, children’s fluency and number sense is increasing.”
“Coding is an essential part of the computing subject and opens the doors to many exciting career opportunities. Discovery Education has provided some really excellent resources to break the process of learning coding skills into engaging and manageable chunks which our students have thoroughly enjoyed working through.”
“Children’s attitudes to Maths have improved – they love to see their progress and the competitive element of Doodle makes children enthused by their maths. Using DoodleMaths regularly has helped close Maths gaps across school and highlight gaps we can support both in school and at home.”
“The links to the UN Goals and everyday STEM careers are fantastic because I believe it’s more important now than ever before that we relate what we are teaching in the classroom to the real world. The clear and uncluttered layout makes it easy to pick and choose what you are going to use (and find it again quickly!) and adapt for your own class or context.”
“Block coding has been fantastic for showing the students how their favourite technology is created and having a go for themselves.”
“Parents have been following pupils' progress on the platform, have a clear way of supporting their children at home, and have been very positive about the introduction of DoodleMaths at the school.”
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