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My School uses Discovery Education
Doodle’s award-winning Maths apps boost Maths confidence and ability by creating every child a unique Maths experience tailored to their needs. Digital interactives like protractors and base ten mean children practise with resources they use in the classroom, keeping all pupils focused on their learning. They’re not just writing numbers, they’re ordering tiles, bouncing along number lines and moving arms on clock faces!
Pupils complete a baseline assessment where Doodle identifies their strengths and weaknesses in all areas of Maths, presenting results in your online Teacher Dashboard.
Doodle creates each pupil a unique work programme, automatically plugging learning gaps using the ‘spaced repetition’ approach. If they’re struggling with the 4 times tables or fractions aren’t sticking, Doodle will focus on getting them up to speed!
There’s so much to see in your Teacher Dashboard. View by individual pupils, classes or year groups and use the pre-analysed data for Pupil Progress Meetings, interventions and report writing.
With content covering the EYFS, KS1, KS2 and KS3 curriculums, Doodle supports your teaching and builds key numeracy skills, raising attainment and confidence in every classroom.
DoodleMaths is the best Maths app for kids, transforming Maths practice into a fun and rewarding adventure!
“Isabel is autistic and dislikes learning at home. DoodleMaths has been a god send! Little and often is definitely the way forward for her! She is asking to do maths, times tables and spellings every day.”
“Our internal data suggests that the children who use Doodle regularly make greater progress in literacy and numeracy than their peers. An example would be Year 5 pupil who initially struggled with his work in mathematics but is now slightly above age related expectations.”
“This so good for helping our 3 children get slightly ahead in Maths, so when things like money are addressed at school, they are already familiar with the coins, etc., without pushing them too far that we have to be on hand to help. It’s completely independent and 5 questions a day are manageable too.”
“Times table accuracy is improving. Pupils who join our school in Year 5 begin using the app to consolidate learning. Year 6 pupils can embed previous learning to long term memory by being reminded of skills not currently being taught.”
“Children’s attitudes to Maths have improved – they love to see their progress and the competitive element of Doodle makes children enthused by their maths . Using DoodleMaths regularly has helped close Maths gaps across school and highlight gaps we can support both in school and at home.”
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My School uses Discovery Education