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Enjoy Your Free Coding Lessons

With Discovery Education Coding, your pupils will gain a thorough understanding of coding concepts like algorithms, sequences and variables – as well as developing computational thinking skills through decomposition, logical reasoning and problem-solving.

Block coding lesson samples


Burst the Bubbles

Combine start events and click events to make a game in which bubbles disappear by clicking on them as they float up the screen.


Hungry Snake

In the desert, you'll consolidate your understanding of conditions in programming and learn how different types of conditions can be used in code for different purposes.


Stopwatch Animation

Learn about booleans to make a realistic stopwatch, where boolean values are affected by the stop, start and reset buttons.

HTML lesson samples



Use your coding knowledge to fix the mistakes.


Links Within Pages

Learn how to make links within a web page that will scroll the page to a different section of the page.

Python lesson samples


Python Printing

Start basic coding with Python by learning how to print lines of text on the screen.


Robotic Poetry

Discover how arrays can be used to produce phrases within Python.
“As curriculum leader, I feel confident that my subject is being taught extremely well because we are using Discovery Education Coding. It also makes coding an easy teach because the students love it so much!“
Tiffany Bolton
Computing Coordinator at St. Swithun Wells’ Catholic Primary School

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